Customer Success - Senior Design Specialist 
October 2018 - September 2020

Worked directly with HubSpot Customers to answer design related questions regarding their content (Website, emails, and assets). Actively listened to customers requests and goals of website changes, then strategized on how to best accomplish this.

Making website changes through working in HTML,CSS, Javascript and Python everyday. Helping customers with UI Design and UX goals in order to increase their website usability, increase views, and improve bounce rates.

Held Design Office Hours twice weekly, where other members of the Customer Success team can ask design related questions, to practice and learn how to troubleshoot in coding languages.

Often working directly with the product team through Jira or in person meetings.

Core responsibilities included: answering 25+ customer questions per day, utilizing project management tools and collaborating cross-functionally with internal teams.

Earned the recognition of Highest Support Rep. NPS for Jan-March 2020. Answered questions with compassion and empathy.

One customer I worked with sent Brian Halligan (CEO) a Linked In post they had written after a call with me. The customer wrote, “Exactly four minutes later, I got a call from an informed, empathetic and helpful customer support rep at Hubspot. And she solved my problem on the spot.“ The article can be seen here.
