Live Customer Webinar - Demo and Q&A of the New Email Editor

I am frequently asked to co-host Live Customer Webinars regarding template or email education. I plan the important learning objectives for this material, write subject matter information and design visual assets for the webinars.

I co-hosted a live customer webinar for Klaviyo’s New Email Editor with our Templates’ PM and Customer Education Specialist. Here, we answered some of the most common questions related to the new email template editor, gave a live demo of how to use the editor, and directly answered live customer questions that were in the chat.

The discussion recap and video recording can be found here.

I was asked by Klaviyo’s Customer Education team to join this webinar as a Subject Matter Expert for the new editor. I was trusted with creating my own script for the event and prepping in anyway I saw fit.

I created my own script beforehand and organized my talking points accordingly. I attached an example portion from my script, below.

I answered questions in easy to understand ways using non-technical language, in order to provide helpful answers.

Recently, led a live training on Black Friday Conversion through Email Templates. The recap can be found here.

From these webinars I also learned how to use the LiveStorm software.

Webinars are very fun for me and I look forward to doing more. I think directly engaging with customers is always helpful to gauge customer’s needs and create lasting positive impressions of the software’s team.

NPS Reviews from recent webinar, real customers answers. Overall, customers were very engaged and happy!